
Healthcare workers targeted by Coronavirus email scams

Cyber criminals are already attempting to capitalise on fears about the Coronavirus, using email scams, according to cyber security experts.

A number of phishing emails have been uncovered around the world with the latest, reported by Sky News, targeting healthcare workers directly.

The email scam, which has the subject line “ALL STAFF: CORONA VIRUS AWARENESS” and purports to be from the IT service desk, informs employees of a forthcoming seminar to discuss the virus with a link to register. A number of healthcare organisations have received the email.

Conflict International specialises in assisting you and your business in detecting external threats to security. Our experts warn that uncertainty and fear around the virus can encourage more people to click on fake email scams than may otherwise be the case. The clear message is cyber criminals don’t discriminate and always look for opportunities, so be careful and vigilant at all times when opening any email and never click on a link if you are unsure.

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